TAO Dejun,JIANG Yuanyuan,LIU Yanbin,et al.Research on path smoothing algorithm of coal mine rescue robot[J].Industry and Mine Automation,2019,45(10):49-54.
Research on path smoothing algorithm of coal mine rescue robot
【作者】 陶德俊1,姜媛媛1,刘延彬1,辛元芳1,罗俊2
【Author】 TAO Dejun1,JIANG Yuanyuan1,LIU Yanbin1,XIN Yuanfang1,LUO Jun2
【作者机构】1.安徽理工大学 电气与信息工程学院, 安徽 淮南232001;2.国网江苏省连云港电力分公司, 江苏 连云港222002
【Unit】1.School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology,Huainan 232001, China;2.State Grid Jiangsu Lianyungang Power Branch, Lianyungang 222002, China
【Abstract】In view of problems that path planning of the coal mine rescue robot planned by A* algorithm has many path turning points and the path is not smooth enough, a path smoothing algorithm of coal mine rescue robot based on improved A* algorithm was proposed. Firstly, the Douglas-Peucker (D-P) algorithm is used to process the whole path generated by A* algorithm, and eliminate redundant nodes in the path, and extracts several path nodes as key nodes, which solves the problem that there are many redundant nodes and a large number of path turning points of the A* algorithm. Then, the whole path based on the key nodes is fitted by cubic path function, and a smooth path is obtained, which can effectively shorten the path length. The simulation results show that the algorithm has strong universality, although the planning time is slightly increased compared with the A* algorithm, but the planned path turns are few, the path length is short, and the path quality is relatively better than that of the genetic smoothing algorithm.
【关键词】 煤矿救援机器人;路径规划;路径平滑;A*算法;遗传平滑算法; 关键节点提取;Douglas-Peucker算法;三次样条函数
【Keywords】coal mine rescue robot; path planning; path smoothing; A* algorithm; genetic smoothing algorithm; key node extraction; Douglas-Peucker algorithm; cubic spline function